On, what would turn out to be, one of the snowiest days of January, Rachel and DJ braved the crazy wind and weather to spend the morning playing in the snow.
I've had the pleasure of knowing Rachel and DJ for almost four years and they were actually the first couple my husband and I ever went on a double date with! We've been through so many big life moments from first homes, new jobs, and now engagements and weddings! Rach is definitely one of my dearest friends and when she asked me to be her wedding photographer, I couldn't say yes fast enough.

I was a little nervous when I first woke up to howling winds and below freezing temperatures. Rachel and I had been talking about how magical a wintery wonderland engagement session would be, so I guess I couldn't have been too upset that we got exactly what we wished for. Rachel has always been a visionary and knows exactly how she likes things to look. Brainstorming and preplanning their session was creative and fun.

You'd never between shots that we were grabbing for coats to try and keep warm. Both DJ and Rachel were absolute warriors in the cold and we had a blast running through the falling snow, watching them bear hug and tackle each other, and seeing how many times I could get them to kiss. If their wedding is even 50% as fun as this engagement session — which 100% I know it's going to be an all-night party! — I cannot wait!